Monday Virtual Zoom Yoga at 7pm

Monday Virtual Zoom Yoga at 7pm

Zoom Yoga

You are welcome to join our community for an at home yoga practice Monday nights from 7-8 pm. Our physical practice varies week to week, however it is intended to be accessible and adjustable to your individual preferences. Modifications are offered, requests are taken, and yoga is practiced together from our individual homes. The class has a big lean towards mindfulness, incorporating it throughout the class.

We build community by logging on at 6:45 pm to share and talk with each other. I know coming into an established group can be daunting, however, getting through the discomfort to the other side is worth it! This community is caring, fun, and supportive with arms and minds open for others to join.

Class is $17 payable via Venmo @PowerfulChild (Amanda Will).

Zoom meeting ID: 815 9253 4384

Please contact Amanda with any questions under the contact tab.

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